Certified Professional Coach and Speaker- To Motivate and Inspire

                                                                     The Light

Are you lost? Physically, Mentally, Spiritually? I have been in my lifetime. It is a very scary place to be. I have been searching for my place in this world and I have found it. I became a Certified Professional Coach that is also an Inspirational Speaker.

The world seems  so dark. It seems so dark, and it has become dark and scary even in the sunlight. But never forget we have a light that goes with us wherever we go. It shines the light on the truth, even when it is a truth we do not want to see. Some people use this light everyday; clinging to it for comfort and assurance,  Some do not know of this light which is actually a sign of deterioration of the light bearers. You see in John 8:12 in the ESV It says: Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. WHOEVER FOLLOWS ME WILL NOT WALK IN DARKNESS, BUT WILL HAVE THE LIGHT OF LIFE.”
Yes the world is getting darker and as a child of Jesus Christ our lights should shine brighter against that darkness because that darkness does not belong with us it is not a part of God’s Kingdom, but we are.

Are you a Christian? Then may I remind you that you are a bearer of light? Do you remember the FLAME Jesus ignited in your very soul as He became your Savior?

Do not be afraid of this world it is not ours, it does not belong to us. That is why Jesus is a light unto our very feet.

Are you lost? Has your light been put under a basket? or in a cellar?

There is hope!

God knows about everwhere we have wandered. the places of light the places of darkness. and He loves us anyway. He catches each of our tears and puts them in a bottle and writes them in a book. Oh God will forgive our sins if we just as. He puts them into the Sea of Forgetfulness, but our sorrows? He writes them in a book and accounts for each tear and He always knows where you are

IF YOU ARE LOST CALL OUT TO JESUS. You will be found. You are His child and He knows where all His children are at all times.

Jesus gave us the LIGHT we need to be the light bearers in this world. Do someone an unplanned kindness. Help your neighbor. do ministry work. Call the home bound from your church just to check on them. Share your testimony and let Jesus give light to another child a new light bearer.

Christ’s Daughter
Julie Pitts

*For more information on Julie Pitts as an Inspirational Speaker or for a private coaching session call (863) 448-3355 to check for an available appointment.

Posted in Authentic Self, Author, Certified Professional Coach, Christianity, Coaching Practice, For Hope and Salvation, God's Will, J.L. Pitts, Joy, Life of Abundance, The Light of The World, Today is a Good Day, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Riches and Comfort of the House on Ed Wells Road

My HomeWe were a large family. Mom And Dad and then the six of us children. Because of that factor my mom planned out meals for the entire week, would make a shopping list and then go shopping for the exact items that would make sure she would have enough to feed six kids and two large hungry adults who had worked all day. My mother was amazing in her calculations. There was always enough cooked for our plates to have healthy sizes of vegetables and also a large piece of meat. Whether that was pork, beef, or chicken and on the holidays Turkey or Ham. We raised our own pork and beef to slaughter and package because they were so expensive in the store. We never did raise chickens and I was so glad of that because I hated the taste of fresh chicken and from being at a friends house when it was chicken eating time you had to go and wring your own chicken’s neck. It sort of made it inedible to me. The beef and pork were taken to the slaughter house and came back in nice little white paper packages marked “ground beef” “steak” or “pork chops” or their famous “pork sausage” of course there were lots of roasts, ribs, and other high ticket items we would never have ever been able to afford to buy in the store. We always felt rich when we had a freezer full of beef and pork. We also grew some vegetables corn, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, Green onions, and of course watermelons!

Those days were the days we felt rich. Compared to other children’s families we actually were rich. My parents always made sure we had enough food to eat and that was a chore when you had six children just a few years apart from one another coming with starving bellies to the table to be fed. That’s one thing I can say about the years we lived on Ed Wells Road we always seemed to have food. The places we lived before I can remember going hungry and having very little to eat. Both my parents were ravaged by alcoholism during that time period.  If it hadn’t been for my eldest sister making the simplest of dishes like pancakes or eggs or oatmeal and sometimes grits, I tremble to fear what would have happened. Our saving grace is we lived in the orange groves and during the season for citrus we could just go outside and get an orange, grapefruit, lemon, guava and any other citrus fruits that we could wander through the groves find to eat and if we liked them eat our fill. Our dad had a job as a grove maintenance worker and we were allowed to eat any and every fruit in the grove we lived in.

But when we moved to Ed Wells Road Mom would buy the extra foods such as sauces and pasta and vegetables we didn’t grow in the garden. To keep our supplies evened out and to make her job easier Mom had made a menu for the week. Wednesday nights were Spaghetti night. This was my favorite night. My favorite meal. We would have spaghetti and Ragu Spaghetti Sauce, we also had the bread toasted with garlic butter, salads, and fresh cut corn. Times at Ed Wells Road were definitely healthy for our bodies. Not so much for our minds. Alcoholism brings a lot of hurt and fear and always makes a wide hole of fear open up.

Mom got pregnant with the last of us six children in that house. There was a lot of terror we went through living in that house, but the good days during the work week made our family almost seem normal.

The old house was destroyed in a hurricane years after we moved out, it was the closest thing to a home I ever lived in.

The bad times there outweighed the good times while we lived there, but today I want to remember the good things. Besides the good things at that house on Ed Wells Road were good enough to get us through the bad times.

Posted in Being made Perfecct, Bittersweet goodbyes, Dreams and Nightmares, For Hope and Salvation, God's Will, J.L. Pitts, Life of Abundance, My Old Home On Ed Wells Road, Pain, sadness | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Turned Out to be A Lobotomy

I went on a Sabbatical to have some treatments were done that were supposed to help me get over an overwhelming depression. I was convinced to do Electroconvulsive Treatments in a series of six. After the 5th one, I could no longer remember anything and I had an irrational fear of being in close proximity with Satan himself. I was supposed to have six treatments but because of their scheduling being helter skelter that morning I had a cup of coffee which them destroyed my chances at having the procedure. Really I was happy because since the 5th treatment on Wednesday morning I had had this irrational fear. I had not slept in two days by the time the day came for the 6th treatment. I was no longer thinking coherently either. This has lasted 8 more days and after doing some research I find that if the ECT is not done precisely and sometimes even if it is done precisely it can give a lobotomy effect to the patient. I have this effect. I no longer remember the education I started in November and ended in March. I had become a Certified Life Coach and a Certified Group Facilitator. In that time period, I also published my memoirs and was all set to go and start doing Author Appearances and book signings. I have contacted a malpractice attorney because halfway during my treatments my psychiatrist went on vacation and that is when the problems arose. Everyone keeps telling me to give it time. The procedures were supposed to lower the dosages of the meds I was taking. But my sleeping medication Ambien CR and Klonopin have had to be doubled and I am only getting four hours of sleep each night even with taking 25 mg of Ambien CR and 4 MG of Klonopin at bedtime. When I came home I was having pain in my right arm. Excruciating pain that a 7.5 Norco had no effect on so I went back to my Family Doctor and he found out from an MRI done right before starting the treatments that my cervical spine was so severely damagedI should never have been a candidate for ECT. Now In less than a week I go to a surgeon to see what they can fix in my cervical spine. All I wanted was for the depression to go away. Now I still have depression, injured the cervical spine, irrational fears, a major loss of memory and excruciating  pain!

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Due to an unforeseen illness I will be taking a short break from posting any new posts. I will be travelling to receive treatments and will not be able to post.

Sincere Regards,


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Answer to a Prayer

If you read my post “Major Setback” you will understand this post quite clearly. I had a bad day on Saturday because  I was very worried about the fact I had sold four copies of my book “Scar Wars Forged In Fright” to four of my elder women friends at church Wednesday night.

“Scar Wars Forged In Fright” is about how I lived with, dealt with, and recovered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The causes of the PTSD are also in the book in vivid detail. I was afraid I might offend the ladies in some way and that old monster “shame” rose up inside me. I realized they would be reading in vivid detail the shameful things that had happened to me as a child. I also talk in the book about learning I had nothing to be ashamed about, but as I described it before shame is a monster.

All my life I remembered being ashamed. Not having the proper clothes or shoes to go to school, not having enough money for lunch, I had buck teeth and I sucked my thumb until the age of twelve and wet the bed until I was thirteen. All the while I was being physically, mentally and sexually abused.

I healed from that trauma in my mid-twenties and although a bubble of grief rises from the causes of PTSD  every now and then I have always been able to use the tools and techniques I garnered through therapy to incinerate those thoughts and feelings before they ever bothered me.

But these were the elder women of the church. How might they perceive me after reading the horrors of my life?

On Friday right after therapy, that uneducated person I was before therapy for PTSD just happened to come out. and thrust me in a very dangerous position. Thankfully for me God is truly my protector and I came out unharmed but still feeling awful that the old behavior had returned. I knew it was just a defense mechanism trying to equalize my life again after the great upset, but I was so saddened that I had returned to an old behavior for comfort instead of going to God.

      When I thought about going to God it was Saturday afternoon. And I asked His forgiveness for putting myself in that situation and then I poured out my heart to Him and told him how I did not even want to go to my church Sunday because of the thoughts others might have of me and who had told who what about what they might have learned from the book. I asked God why hadn’t any of the ladies contacted me and said some comforting words or to say they understood me better now.

     I wanted someone to call and give me the confidence to walk back into the loving arms of my Church Family.  Then after being in prayer most of the day my cell phone rang and it was one of the ladies who had bought the book. She told me that she also had gone through a period of abuse in her life and because of the era she grew up in, it was completely silenced.

      She said when she read my book and it was very empowering for her to read and what a strong person I was. She could not believe the strength I had not only to travel all over the world having this disorder but to finally make it to a place where I found healing. She said the book was beautiful in that it showed we can overcome any adversity and turn out to be kind and gentle and have a heart for others that went through this or were going through this now. She told me no one in her life ever knew except her parents, she had never shared her own story with anyone, but she knew she could share her story with me because she felt I would understand.

     I was greatly honored. God had just literally laid in my lap the proof of what reading the book could do for other people. I felt justified in writing the book and that I had nothing to be ashamed of and never did. Her sweet voice on the phone created a unique bond between us and now I have a friend in her closer than with anyone else in the church.. God had used that book that he poured through me four years ago to help a friend heal from a trauma that happened over 60 years ago.

Sunday, I went to church not even thinking about the book. I just got up Sunday morning put on an outfit grabbed my bible and the pen and pad of paper I use to take notes with and marched right down front and sat with the Preacher’s wife as usual. We had a wonderful sermon to listen to, it just happened to be how we need to be real and help others with our genuine selves.

     On Friday after therapy, I felt so far away from God I could not even feel him inside me, just this numbness. But Saturday afternoon I told myself all you have to do is open your heart back up to God and he will heal this hurt, this damaged part of you and He did in the simplicity of a phone call.

Call someone today and thank them for the help they have given you in your life. Maybe that is exactly what they need to hear at this very minute to give them the strength and courage to go on.


Posted in Authentic Self, Author, Being made Perfecct, Christianity, Depression, Disability, For Hope and Salvation, Hurtful Words, J.L. Pitts, Mental Health, Pain, sadness, Today is a Good Day | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Major Setback

Major setbacks do happen and every since last Sunday in Sunday School I have been sliding headlong into a dark mental place inside me. Like the good and evil are having a fight and I’m just stunned wondering who will win? Two major distinct pieces of my personality are at war with each other.  The true good and evil fight. They say the good can be represented by a white dog and the evil is a black dog and the story goes whichever dog you feed will triumph. But I hurriedly feed each one just enough to allow it to survive but not to triumph one over the other. It’s because of my book “Scar Wars Forged In Fright” you see I asked for prayer for my first speaking engagement on the book and the causes and help for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. My church family did not know that I had written and that I had a publisher who finally released it in early March. They bombarded me with questions after class and I repeatedly told them that this book was about mental, physical, and sexual abuse and it was very hard to read because of the content but they insisted to know where they could get it, so I told them the places I knew had it and that was Amazon.com, Amazon Kindle, Books-A-Million and Barnes & Noble. And I figured that was that, but my heart took a nose dive. Then On Monday one of these elder women of the church called and asked did I have any copies and I said yes and she asked to buy one and I heard myself say yes, and on Wednesday night I had the book to give her but the transaction took place in front of everyone as we were getting seated for church. I sold four copies that night. All to women that I admire. I know these people love me but, the thought of them knowing about the darkest days of my life kind of blew a fuse in my head. I saw my therapist yesterday and we talked a little about it and the cause and effect Post Traumatic Stress Disorder had on me and to some degrees still has on me. I left her office feeling really good and uplifted but then depression just overwhelmed me.  It is the shame that gets to me. I know I have NOTHING to be ashamed about, but I still feel shame. The abusers want you to feel that way because it is another way they get you not to tell. You do not want people to know that this horrible thing happened because you don’t want to be different.The Truth is You are FOREVER different. So Sunday I will go to church and that little girl inside me will wonder what they think about the person I am. Who I am is not based on that abused child. But there is a great fight inside me and at this moment do not know how to stop it. Right now,  I am just trying to keep my life at an even keel.

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Just WHO Are YOU? Finding your Authentic Self!

Answer that question who are you? If you thought things like I am an engineer, a nurse, a police officer,  a mother or a Pastor, then you probably do not know your Authentic Self. Those answers are roles you act out they do not make YOU who YOU are. Their benefits can certainly aid in finding your Authentic Self.

You were created with certain qualities to perform a specific purpose to help all of mankind. Yes, truly you were! So you might be thinking that “Astronauts that walked on the moon contribute to all mankind, but me? No, I do not think  so”. But you were. Your Authentic self-was created to further the purpose of mankind.

Sit quietly for a few moments. Listen to the conversation in your mind. How many negative voices do you hear? How many say you are just an everyday person”? How many belittle you? How many come down hard on you and make your self-worth and self-esteem drop low? Be honest here. Of course, you will hear other voices say” no but you did this great thing and you helped in this area.” But even that, is not your Authentic Self.

You are born as an authentic person. You have been equipped with everything you need to fulfill your purpose in life. But the noise of the world creeps in every minute of the day. You are told no you  can’t do this or that, so many times that your Authentic self starts to believe that “No, you can’t do that.” But is truly a lie because within you is still your Authentic Self already equipped to benefit mankind in some way. Your mission might just be smiling at the right person at the right time. That’s it and you must be thinking but how can that help mankind? Because of the passing on of compassion and smiling to warm someone’s day will keep going forward until it reaches the person that your beginning smile was intended to reach.

But you say why would one smile matter? Because your smile can turn into another emotion in the person receiving it. That person may feel the human connection and it may help them to find an act of kindness to share the emotions that your smile encouraged inside of them. That good deed makes another ripple and then one day it reaches the person it was truly intended for. But by  the time they get that smile you gave freely it has been touched by other emotions, happiness, joy, hope, gratitude and maybe because of you, that smile becomes someone’s lifelong accomplishment. Just a smile to the right person at the right time can accomplish all of that. It would change mankind.

You achieved the mission of your Authentic Self without even knowing it. Knowing this, you might smile more often at passersby. But there are different missions for each person. For their own Authentic Self has a purpose to help mankind. Can you imagine if everyone was able to connect to their Authentic self and actually complete the mission they were equipped to do? We would have a much better world.

To find your Authentic Self you can take different routes, prayers, meditation, yoga and education are popular ways of connecting with your Authentic Self, It is the diving in to seek your own Authentic Self and there are many different pathways because each one of us is different. You will know when you are close to your Authentic Self because there is a Peace and Unity there.

The Authentic Self is actually Illuminated. Shining bright within us at birth. But the Darkness of the world usurps that Light by all the negativity and hopelessness that is just driven into us from the world. Until you seek to reveal that Illumination, you will not know the true path for your life.

Sit down. Get quiet. Let your mind say all it has to say as you look within and find your Authentic self. Can You do that in one moment? Maybe if you are at a time when it is critical for your Authentic Self’s purpose to give its gift to mankind. But it may take longer, even years. Depending how much Darkness of the World that has been layered over the Authentic Self. How willing you are to face each layer as it is peeled off? Knowing that these layers are the Darkness of the World that came in to extinguish your Illumination so you cannot complete your purpose. Sometimes the layers will be thick and heavy and there may be tears. But keep in your mind you were given a purpose to be born and have your own gift to give mankind.

You can also choose for that light not to ever be seen.  Many People through the ages chose the layers of darkness upon their light and even directly layered the darkness within them.  Even they were born with a purpose to help mankind, but because they allowed the layers of Darkness to build heavier, deeper, thicker layers. because of their decision to bury the Illumination inside them they came to want to destroy mankind. That is what happens when you pile layers and layers of Darkness on your Authentic Self.

Truly most people work at peeling back the layers and a good part find their own Authentic self. When you do find your Authentic self you may not know it but your gift to mankind is released. Seek out Authentic people. Recently I met a woman and when I met her I knew instantly she was her Authentic Self. Everyone around her felt her Illumination. She, herself, is a gift to mankind.

I have found my  Authentic Self. I am a very kind, loving, and generous person who is here to aid those in need of rest for their Souls. The world is so harsh on people. I believe my mission is to give them a resting spot full of love and helpfulness, kindness, hope. and a time of safety.


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Do You Feel You Are So Shy or Have Social Issues that are Keeping You from a Better Life

I grew up in a dysfunctional environment and because of that I did not learn social skills. I was active in my church as a youth, but I was always an outsider who was “allowed” to be part of the group. I saw the social interactions between the other youth, but I was not skilled in those “social graces.”  I did not know it at that time, but I  had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder making it even harder to interact naturally.



(Available through Amazon.com, Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million and other brick and mortar stores)

In my recent book, “Scar Wars Forged In Fright” I tell of living with, dealing with, and healing from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In my case, it was caused by severe mental, physical, and sexual abuse. In the book, it details some of the therapy processes that I went through in order to heal.

After healing from PTSD, I was on shaky ground. You see socially I was shy and timid. I did not feel I belonged in the “regular society”, but I was wrong. I had been infertile for 15 years in that time I had 3 miscarriages, but finally God blessed me with a daughter. And that’s when I knew I had to become part of regular society. I could not let my dysfunctional relationship with society hurt my precious daughter’s future in any way.  I wanted to break the cycle of seclusion that led to lies and abuse in my childhood

Oh, I was scared. But I took a step every day towards becoming a social person. Not the facade everyone knew, but the genuine me.  Since that day, I have been taking steps to get where I am now. I went back to college, authored a book, and became a Certified Professional Coach and Group Facilitator.

I learned through a long, hard, and lonely process how to become able to interact “within society” not just with society.

I want people to know this is an attainable goal! I have learned tips and tricks to make things go more smoothly for a person to ease back into society’s realms.

Through my courses with the International Coach Certification Academy, I have learned more techniques and how to obtain feasible goals. The last part of my training was experiential (hands on) and I graduated at the top of my class. I worked hard for that Certification because I want to help others that may be standing in the shoes I used to wear.

As an Author, I want my book to make an impact on people about healing from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, but as an International Certified Coach I want to take people beyond just healing wounds. I want to help repair lives.

Some people may not have been touched by PTSD, Maybe you just have Social Anxiety or just maybe you do not feel comfortable in your place in society. Maybe it is holding you back in relationships or in your career.

I am by no means a “Perfect Person” now. But I am constantly seeking to better my own life and using the techniques I have learned from my education through the International Coach Certification Academy and through the trials and tribulations in my own life trying to integrate into society I have a lot of knowledge to share.

How would you like to be able to be involved in church events, take college courses, go on dates, talk to your co-workers without fear of judgement? These are things I have learned on my journey and there is so much more!


Posted in Author, Certified Personal Coach, Certified Professional Coach, Coaching Practice, For Hope and Salvation, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Publishing a Book, Today is a Good Day | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Peek Into the Beginning Procedures In My Coaching Practice

Are you a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, experiencing any of the following PTSD-related interpersonal problems in your adult life?

You struggle in social situations because you feel awkward and constantly on-guard around people—not only strangers—but even among family members and friends where you intellectually know you’re safe.
It feels draining to be around people because you’re constantly scanning the room to find the nearest exit so you can escape the panic that comes up into your throat as you struggle to hold your emotions in check so you don’t lose your cool or break into tears or anger for no apparent reason, as other people gather around you or touch you—no matter how innocently or how kindly they seem.
You find meeting new people to be extremely exhausting because you’re constantly worrying about whether or not you can trust them and you keep trying to look for hidden clues to determine who they really are—and you’re constantly trying to figure out if they’re saying what they really mean or whether they are just waiting for you to let your guard down so they can take advantage of you.
You hate feeling so vulnerable all the time—constantly wondering if you’re safe? And, you feel this never-ending sense of inadequacy and self-doubt? So that in new social settings you end up being the one sitting in a corner, or hunched-over, not-making eye-contact with anyone, just fumbling with your hands, and looking at the floor?
Or   you go to the other extreme and ask a lot of repetitive questions trying desperately to get your bearings in this new setting—and only end up making everyone feel uncomfortable or awkward around you?
You find that you feel inadequate and constantly doubt your ability and need constant reassuring that you’re doing things right? All of this makes you want to just hide from the world?
Does the constant stress cause you to feel so overwhelmed that you’re often crying or screaming at your children—or even worse—distancing yourself from your children so that you can protect them from your anger or completely ignoring your children’s needs?
Are your children’s behavior or their reactions towards you worrying you and making you feel like you’re not good enough to be their parent? Does this make you feel little or no sense of self-worth? Even after all the therapy and knowing that the abuse was not your fault—do you still feel vulnerable?
Do you feel like a failure because your life is not the way you know it can—and should be – even after all the hard work you’ve done to understand yourself?
If you’re a sexual abuse victim who is experiencing any of these interpersonal and social skills problems—even after therapy—and they are interfering with your job, or ruining your relationship with your spouse, or your children, or making it hard to develop the close friendships you so long for, and
Desperately want to drop these unproductive patterns and adopt new clear-cut skills to help you trust others and love your family without fear; to end your hyper-vigilance and self-doubt in new or unfamiliar social situations; and, to finally build a life that makes you feel worthy and self-confident and deserving—whether at work or with your children or when developing new friendships—
AND if you want to accomplish these goals, focusing on your strengths – your amazing intuition and sensitivity which naturally will draw the right types of people [and avoid those you’re not interested in] and help you access the right types of responses to life situations – so you are gracefully and flexibly in control —Then I can help you.
My Breakthrough the Scars Process will help you to improve your interpersonal relationships by bridging the social skills gap left by your sexual abuse trauma. You will learn what to say and do at work, with your children, with family and friends, as well as in in new social situations to make sure that you get the respect you’ve earned at work, are loved by your children, and are comfortable in any social environment.
I will help you not just survive, but actually THRIVE
It took me years to learn how to make my life work and so I know that I can get you where you want to be because the 6 steps I found during my journey that worked for me.
But, I don’t want you to have to learn these lessons the hard way like I did and that’s why I’m making my battle-tested method available to you NOW—so you can win your own battle with the interpersonal relationship fallout of childhood sexual abuse—but with far less scars.
As an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse, by the early 90’s my life was in a shambles. Flashbacks, nightmares, and depression were my constant companions. My social life was embarrassingly deficient and dysfunctional. Therapy led me to understand that I was suffering from PTSD and helped me heal from the emotional scars and trauma of the abuse.
But, therapy did not prepare me to properly interact with others outside the cocoon of my therapeutic relationships. I still needed to learn the social skills that I never learned as a damaged child or suffering adult. Social interactions left me wracked with anxiety and hyper-vigilant.
I could not even imagine comfortably interacting with strangers. Even in the safety of large family gatherings I was so scared at the thought of having to interact with everyone that I would always keep my back to the wall and I would start to panic if too many people gathered around me.
My fears and anxiety and discomfort were so crippling I was paralyzed and incapable of taking action, making decisions or accomplishing anything. At 30 years old, with only a high school education, I felt the only thing I was qualified to do was work at burger joints being supervised by teenage managers. It was demeaning. I was sick of living like this.
Worse was the overwhelming sense of foreboding that I couldn’t shake—like my worst fears were going to come true. I feared that not only was my life in ruins, but that I was about to ruin my own sweet daughter’s life. And my daughter was my life’s dream come true.
After struggling for 15 years to have my daughter I could in no way let the dysfunction in my life create dysfunction in her life. All I ever wanted from the time I was a child was to be a wonderful, loving, successful mother. Whatever decision I had to make or whatever I had to do to prevent this dysfunctional cycle from continuing, I would make that change!
This decision gave my life and my struggles new purpose, direction, and true meaning. This decision helped me to confront my fears instead of running away from them.
Since then not one day has gone by, not one single day, when I haven’t consciously taken at least one step to create a better life for me and my daughter.
Once I made the decision that it was more important to me to be the kind of mom that would give my daughter the best chance to have the quality of life she deserves – and break the dysfunctional cycle—I felt more in control than I have ever felt. And amazingly, I discovered that confronting my fears actually gave me my power back.
It hasn’t been easy. In reality it’s often been really tough some days. I’ve had to stumble through painfully embarrassing conversations and resist the urge to run away and hide from the world, instead I started forcing myself to linger after church and chat with church members.
Now I have learned to be a voice for others going through difficult struggles of their own.
But, I had to make all these decisions and put them into action by myself alone.  Going forward I was always journaling the mistakes I made and immediately set out to correct them. Now when I need information about something I find someone adept in that area. Often, I only had my faith in God to rely on to give me the strength and courage to continue.
While I am still shy with people—at first—I no longer run and hide in a corner. I confront my fears head-on. Every day, I continually challenge myself to do new things and put myself in new social situations.
I joined and actively participate in a women’s group that loves to go to the symphony and to the theater to see the newest movie in town or even the newest Opera.
I went back to college and excelled as a student, overcoming my shyness and fear of social interaction because my need to learn was more important than the fear of raising my hand and asking questions.
Getting started on my education led me to becoming an author. I have authored three books “Scar Wars Forged In Fright” is the story of my overcoming a severely abusive childhood and the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder that I unknowingly suffered with for years afterwards, and my eventual first steps on the road to healing and recovery through therapy.
I continued writing and self-published my second book “The Thinnest Loser”, a story about what happens when you do not confront an unacceptable behavior in its early stages.(Available only on Amazon Kindle)
I am now writing my third book ” Creating a Prayer Relationship” and hoping to publish it by early 2016.
Writing, publishing, marketing, and building a social platform online all took me through social interactions and situations which I have not only survived, but taught me to Thrive while interacting with new people.
Just in the last year …
I have become a Certified Professional Coach with the International Coach Certification Academy
I’m a member of the National Association of Non-Fiction Authors
I have become a member of the National Association of Professional women
I  have become a volunteer expert for AllExperts.com for Living With Disabilities
I have become a member of the Lunchtime Bloggers Meetup Group
I have become a member of the Pen and Plot Writer’s Group
I have become a member of Toastmasters
I am a socially active member of my church
And I am now a Hospice Volunteer.
I have numerous social accounts including Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Aboutme.com, and LinkedIn where I frequently and consistently interact
Most importantly, I have raised a daughter who is socially adept. I am SO proud of her and also proud of myself. Although my daughter is shy around strangers at first—just like her mom—she is not paralyzed by social interactions and is active in many social functions. She was even a Varsity cheerleader. For the first time, I know what it is to enjoy my life.
YOU too CAN reach this same level of contentment, joy and confidence. I KNOW that YOU CAN OVERCOME your own interpersonal struggles. YOU CAN LEARN the social skills that will make you feel comfortable while mingling with other people. My Progressive Goal Setting Program will teach you steps to take to meet your own social goals. I know how to help you do this and get you far more comfortable as you develop the tools you need to both envision and achieve your very own happy healthy future.
This is why I have designed my Breakthrough the Scars Coaching Program.  Six Steps that give you the tools to stop the dysfunction and create a positive approach to people and situations in your own life.
  1.   Decide what you really want & what makes it so meaningful to you. The best way to control your future is to choose it. So, when you decide your future, you control it.
 2. Safely Confront your worst fear—not running away from it. When you can NAME it. You can TAME it.
 3. Create a new story to share with others. If your life was a GREAT made-for-television movie, how would you want it to be viewed? If you can imagine your new story then you’ll know what to do each day to create it.
 4. Take ONE action every day that will move you towards the story you’ve designed for your life.
 5. Eliminate dysfunctional ideas by learning new patterns on how to make healthy decisions for you and your family’s sake.
 6. Go from Survivor to Thriver – Life is so much more satisfying when we can actually thrive and enjoy it.
I have learned that confronting fear gives me back my power and confidence. No one should live locked away and imprisoned for life—especially after surviving abuse. The world is an amazing and beautiful place—and you have the right to enjoy it. That privilege is one I want you to reach out and grab.
I am not a therapist. I am here to help you “after” you have started the healing process. Therapy unlocks the door of your cage.
Now it’s time to develop the courage and confidence to step out into the light and explore your world.
Now is the time to use the tools you will learn through my program to enjoy your new freedom.
Now is the time to find your purpose and learn about joy.
Take my hand. You don’t have to go it alone like I did. I understand. I know. I have been there. I know about putting the broken pieces back together. You CAN make this journey. AND, you don’t have to do it alone. We can do this together. Your success and freedom are closer than you think.
“Julie is a precious gift to those of us who really need someone who understands how it feels to juggle a lot of inner conflict, and who knows how to help us make some sense of our lives. I know she helped me!” Mia Landau
 “Julie Pitts has been my friend for thirty-five years – a friend in every good sense of that word. She does not intrude or push, but is a great support to me during times of crisis. Seeing her strength and perseverance while she dealt with PTSD has inspired me on my own journey learning to live in peace with Bipolar Disorder.
I would recommend Julie Pitts to ANYONE that is going through struggles of their own. – Dawn E. Smith
“Julie Pitts is one of the most determined persons I have known. She came to me seeking help after a very devastating experience with another therapist. Julie was determined not to give up and she did not give up but she gave it her all to strengthen herself and overcome the effects of the abuse she had experienced. While in therapy Julie reached out to others and shared her experiences and listened to others and learned from them. She is truly a remarkable person who is now ready to lend a hand to others and share her experiences with the hope of being a beacon for someone else. This takes a special person and Julie is that person. I wish her well.” – Judy A. Glaister, PhD
“Julie, having been through all that she has, is a loving, caring, compassionate and grounded coach who is able relate to her clients in a very tangible way, walk with them and help them move forward to a place of peace and readiness to embrace life in their own way.  I had the pleasure of working with her one-to-one and in a group setting and found her to be very professional and empathetic, and someone who truly has a heart for her work in helping others.” – Sheryl Floris C.P.C.
Call: for a free 30 minute session
or you can email and ask questions at authorjlpitts@yahoo.com


Posted in Certified Personal Coach, Certified Professional Coach, Coaching Practice, Depression, J.L. Pitts, Joy, Life of Abundance, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Today is a Good Day | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Deep of Darkness

This is a poem I felt compelled to write on a day I had forgotten to take my antidepressants for like the third time that week:

The blackness has come again

It writhes around my body as it blocks out the light

I can feel the cuttings on my arms begging to be opened up

There must be more scars

The pain is piercing my heart

Crying for mercy

It does not help to cry out as usual

The sound is just a whisper of my self

All is well with the world

Accomplishments have been made

But I do not care about them anyway

Not now! I am happy!

Why do you come to steal my joy?

You take the joy, the light, the hope away in seconds

Who gave you the power? Not God

God is Good! My own wretched self has brought you back to my door

I hate her! Why does she search for you when I have joy?

I will fight you with the lightning

The spasm ridding you from my body

I must stay no matter how afraid I get

It is for my own good

Memories will be wiped away again

What thoughts will I lose

To gain my joy I must lose part of my mind

This proves there is no real existence in a life of depression

Why did I think I could come home

Why would I be so selfish as to cast the weight of darkness over my family

Unworthy, selfish, greedy for more life

Life was denied to me at birth when my mother would not hold

the thing that caused her such pain

I am pain incarnate

Those that come near to me feel it inside themselves

That is why my life has no personal interactions

Dreams came true but did not change the truth

Of what I truly am

How can I love the people who would love this person I am

The darkness drowns me

Pulling me under the place of breathing

Mother has been given more pain from the bowels of darkness within me

No words from her lips no sighs of her heart

Just unending deafening silence

The words were just and true

But to write them for the world to see

Broke the rules of how we play family

I am not the silent one any longer

But now I must be silenced

The silence from childhood was mandated by my mind

Now will they attempt to silence me with exclussion

No more will I rest in the house of rehabilitation

To me they have made it a fortress

My words so sharp and unyielding cut the tie that binds

As sharp as the pain Mother felt when they could finally cut the cord

Pain has always separated us

I was never really an insider

Just an inside joke.



Posted in Bad Day, Depression, J.L. Pitts, sadness | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment